Are you sweating the small stuff as you write, rather than just writing?
You're a writer. And a writer writes. Do you find yourself backing up and self editing as you go? Why turn off the word faucet when it's flowing strong?​
How do you punctuate a sentence within a sentence? What are split infinitives and do they really matter? Are your paragraph and chapter transitions smooth? Does your main character have green eyes throughout the story?
So you sit there, perhaps struggling to understand what the Chicago Manual of Style has to say about such things, meanwhile, you've lost your groove and you can never write those words quite the same way again.
Here are a few words from happy clients.
"Recommended by several people, Nancy edited my latest book and became a friend. I'd had it fine-tooth combed by several other people and I could not believe what Nancy found to make the story the best it could be. She really listened to my thoughts and feelings and clearly explained her point of view. ​She is a very talented editor with an innate creative sense of what is needed and what is not. She is also a creative person in her own right. Personable and caring, she quickly develops a rapport, and also has a strong sense of community. I highly recommend her as an editor."
​–Joan Wendland, Figgy Newton . . . There BE Dragons
Available for purchase on Amazon.
"My sails were literally out of wind when I called Nancy for help with my research essay. She inspired me to just hack away at the paper and trust my gut. Watching what she did with the language that she touched, and listening to her talk about it gave me direction to complete the editing. My intuition about Nancy was right. She is very creative person and someone that I greatly enjoy working with."
–Frank Lucatelli, Co-Author, "Orientations Toward Achievable World Peace"